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Information on Sophos Update Manager (SUM) 1.7.1

The Tech Geeks |

This article provides information on the release of Sophos Update Manager (SUM) v1.7.1

Applies to the following Sophos product(s) and version(s)
Sophos Update Manager 1.7.1

Operating systems

What is being released?

  • Sophos Update Manager (SUM) version 1.7.1

When is it being released?

From 25th November 2019  for customers on the 'Recommended' subscription of SUM.

What To Do

No action is required as this upgrade is an automated process

More information on SUM 1.7.1

This release:

  • Updates the version of the ConfigCid.exe tool

Note: A reboot alert may be triggered with this update. However, Remote Management System (RMS) will continue to work as expected, but will not upgrade until the reboot takes place.

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