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WatchGuard GAV and IPS Signature End-of-Life Notice for Older Firmware

The Tech Geeks |

WatchGuard GAV and IPS Signature Service Updates

Despite rapidly changing market demands, and technology innovation, WatchGuard maintains support for products for 5 years after the announced End of Sale (EOS). IPS and GAV signature updates are delivered for appliances until end of life, but sometimes customers must upgrade firmware versions to continue to receive signatures for older appliances. Older versions of AV engines do not provide adequate protection against today’s threats. We are announcing two such updates that will take effect on June 30, 2015.

Gateway AntiVirus Service – large appliances with old firmware

  • Firmware -  version 11.5.x, 11.6.x, 11.7.x
  • Appliances – XTM 515/525/535/545, XTM 1050, XTM 2050, XTM 850/860/870/1520/1525/2520, and all XTMv

WatchGuard will discontinue GAV signature updates for these old firmware versions. Customers can still continue to receive AV signature updates by upgrading to version 11.8 or later firmware – first released in October 2013. If customers do not upgrade, the firewall and security services will continue to run but they will not get signature updates. 

Intrusion Prevention Service – e-Series

  • Firmware – Version 10.x
  • Appliances – Firebox e-Series

WatchGuard will discontinue IPS Signature updates for all e-Series appliances running version 10 software. Signature update will continue for e-Series until the End of Life date, Dec 31 2015. But customers must upgrade to a version 11.x firmware to continue to get updates.

Note that all e-Series appliances reach end of life at the end of this year. Full details of the WatchGuard End of Life are always provided at the WatchGuard website. WatchGuard provides generous trade-up discounts for customers upgrading to newer hardware.

Software Download Center

Firebox and XTM appliance owners with active support subscriptions can obtain firmware updates without additional charge by downloading the applicable packages from the WatchGuard Software Download Center. Please read the Release Notes before you upgrade to understand what’s involved. Known Issues are now listed in the Knowledge Base when logged in at the WatchGuard website.

A full range of product trade up if required can be found on our main site -