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Dimension 2.1.2 Update 4 now available

The Tech Geeks |

We are pleased to announce the availability of WatchGuard Dimension 2.1.2 Update 4. This maintenance release is now available from the Software Download Center, together with Release Notes and update instructions. WatchGuard Dimension 2.1.2 Update 4 provides the following fixes:


  • A warning is generated when attempting to upgrade to future versions of Dimension if the current instance is running an older Ubuntu kernel
  • Added support for database restores to Postgresql v11 and v12

Logging and Reporting

  • Most Popular Domains has been renamed Most Popular Destinations in Per Client Report
  • Added support for new Firebox IPS/Application ID engine
  • Improved IMAP proxy support in multiple reports

For a full list of resolved issues, please refer to the Release Notes in the Software Download Center.  Note that Dimension 2.2 will be built using the 16.04 Ubuntu kernel. Any Dimension instance running an older Ubuntu kernel will have to redeploy the instance to upgrade to Dimension 2.2. Dimension instances currently running Ubuntu 16.04 will be able to upgrade to the upcoming Dimension 2.2 release through the upgrade mechanism within Dimension. Additional instructions will be provided with the release of Dimension 2.2.  

Does this release pertain to me?

This release applies to all users of the WatchGuard Dimension network security visibility solution.  It is critical that any administrators using WatchGuard Dimension upgrade their solution to 2.1.2 Update 4 to take advantage of the security improvements available in the release.   

Software Download Center

Firebox and XTM appliance owners with active support subscriptions can obtain this update without additional charge by downloading the applicable packages from the WatchGuard Software Download Center.