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WatchGuard Releases Fireware 11.10.7 and WSM 11.10.7

The Tech Geeks |

Fireware 11.10.7 and WSM 11.10.7 WatchGuard is pleased to announce the General Availability (GA) of Fireware 11.10.7 and WSM 11.10.7.These maintenance releases include many important bug fixes and some security updates. Along with the maintenance updates, there are a couple of minor enhancements: •    Added support for new Huwaei and D-Link USM modems to enable failover to redundant internet connections •    Configuration report is now available from WSM Management Server, enabling easier audit of configurations in multibox environments The Release Notes include a comprehensive list of resolved issues. Does This Release Pertain to Me? The Fireware release applies to all Firebox T, Firebox M, and all XTM appliances, except XTM 21/21-W, 22/22-W, or 23/23-W. Software Download Center Firebox and XTM appliance owners with active support subscriptions can obtain this update without additional charge by downloading the applicable packages from the WatchGuard Software Download Center. Please read the Release Notes before you upgrade to understand what’s involved.