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Sophos Releases SFOS 15.01.0 MR-3 (XG Firewall Series Firmware)

The Tech Geeks |

We’ve just released a maintenance release for Sophos XG Firewall. This update contains fixes for a number of issues reported on XG firewall thus far. News Maintenance Update Remarks System will be rebooted   Download full release notes: Sophos XG Firewall V15.0.1.0 MR3 Release Notes.pdf Bugfixes: • NC-5069 : Upload – Download Statistics shows 0.00KB in live users when there are high number of users • NC-5699 : Unable to delete Cyberoam DDNS account after migration to SFOS • NC-5780 : SNMP is not working when SNMP server is situated on WAN Side • NC-5973 : Disgraceful report group / bookmark exhibited after applying schedule from custom user report • NC-6118 : At first level drill in Email Reports X-Axis & Y-Axis indicates same data • NC-6184 : On Dashboard-System widget showing constant performance warning • NC-6336 : Pattern update value is not getting updated in Executive Report • NC-6417 : Dashboard shows wrong count of connected Remote Users • NC-6557 : Unable to import Certificate in Certificate Authority • NC-6559 : Additional filter criteria is showing in exported reports • NC-7045 : Many access point remains inactive • NC-7158 : License sync failed after migration from Cyberoam to XG • NC-7178 : SSL VPN authentication fails due to maximum simultaneous login regardless of the fact that user is not logged in • NC-7433 : Cannot define various RED devices using the same split domain in transparent split mode • NC-7788 : Unable to sync heartbeat when Kanji (Japanese) characters are using in cloud account information • NC-7789 : Unable to install SFOS on bare metal hardware • NC-8564 : While using Web Filter users are getting 502 Server Error with few sites even after allowing invalid http traffic from CLI • NC-8576 : Unable to sync license if parent proxy was configured once during initial registration of XG. • NC-8625 : Blocked web users widget shows double data than actual data transfer • NC-8672 : Clear text password seen in some log files • NC-9056 : Many access point remains inactive or active access point becomes inactive randomly • NC-6775 : Virus field is exhibited in detailed web server protection report • NC-6776 : Web server utilization report is not visible after applying HTTP host filter • NC-7735 : Erroneous records are exported in PDF / Excel for blocked destinations • NC-7801 : In wireless settings Passphrase/PSK of more than 32 characters are not working • NC-7970 : No access point in pending list and UI shows loading in pending access point tab • NC-8005 : Antivirus service shows dead and unable to start it • NC-8092 : Segmentation fault issue with authentication service • NC-8093 : UI slowness seen when configured syslog server is not reachable • NC-8596 : Stack corruption observed in authentication service • NC-8618 : Websites getting blocked by Web filter even if it’s added in custom web category • NC-8929 : High CPU usage after applying SMTP / SMTPS scanning due to SMTP Service • NC-8933 : DNS service dead after migration from Cyberoam to XG MR1.1 • NC-8979 : Pattern update page shows blank status for updates if device is migrated from Cyberoam and upgraded to MR2 from MR 1.1 • NC-9656 : Heartbeat registration issue when special characters used in cloud account