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End of Life for Old Versions of spamBlocker Engine

The Tech Geeks |

Important spamBlocker Update
In June 2020, WatchGuard released a new version of Fireware that provided an updated spamBlocker engine that uses Cloudmark technology to replace the old Cyren engine. Response has been very positive and many customers and partners report significantly improved detection rates and fewer false positives after they upgraded to Fireware v12.5.4 or higher. We are now announcing that the old Cyren engine will be retired later this year.

Does this notice apply to me?
This notice only applies to customers that use spamBlocker. If you do not use the spamBlocker service, you do not need to read further.

Affected models: Firebox T10, T15, T30, T35, T50, T55, T70, M200, M270, M300, M370, M400, M440, M470, M500, M570, M670, M4600, M5600, FireboxV, and Firebox Cloud. All XTM models will reach end of life before WatchGuard retires the old spamBlocker engine. XTM models higher than XTM 850 are an exception and WatchGuard will provide an updated Fireware build in 2021 to support the limited number of top-end rack mount XTM models that still run spamBlocker.

Key Detail
All spamBlocker users should update to current firmware to take advantage of the improvements. By 31 July 2021, WatchGuard will retire the old spamBlocker detection. To continue to get spam detection with spamBlocker, customers must upgrade to Fireware v12.5.4 or higher. If you are a spamBlocker customer and do not upgrade to Fireware v12.5.4 or higher, you will still receive all emails if the "When spamBlocker service is unavailable" setting is set to Allow in your spamBlocker configuration. However, the emails will no longer get scored for spam.

More details about what to expect on upgrade are available in this Knowledge Base article.

Software Download Center
Firebox appliance owners with active support subscriptions can download updated Fireware releases without additional charge from the WatchGuard Software Download Center, from Fireware Web UI, and now in WatchGuard Cloud.