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Sophos Central Firewall Manager - CFM 17.1.0 GA Released

The Tech Geeks |

Hi XG Community! We've finished CFM v17.1.0 GA.

What's New

Key Features

  • Shadow IT management across firewalls
  • Improved alerting contents
  • Comprehensive management of all features available in Sophos XG Firewall v17.1


  • Added additional Settings to Authentication Servers -> RADIUS Server
  • Shadow IT discovery support
  • Configurable SSL VPN port
  • Allow user to edit rule while double clicking on the rule
  • Easily control Google QUIC during firewall rule creation
  • Added Email Exceptions
  • Allow creation of empty smart filter
  • Allow and Block lists for Email/Domains on Admin Portal
Notes Here's a overview of the compatibility of CFM to different Sophos Firewall versions: 6710.Compatibility Guide for CFM and SFOS.pdf Known Limitations
  • Admin can not change password of SF 17.5 device from SFM/CFM device level.
  • In CFM, device info service is not responding. Therefore UI is taking some minutes to load which lead to feel CFM is not responding.
Issues Resolved
  • NCCC-6339 [SCFM] CFM does not fetch SF firmware detail through feature 'check for latest firmware' due to opcode timeout
  • NCCC-6369 [SCFM] Connection status show disconnected though HB packets are reaching to CFM/SFM
  • NCCC-6398 [SCFM] Unable to import all configuration as template from SG device
  • NCCC-6422 [SCFM] Scheduled backup is not taken in SCFM
  • NCCC-6671 [SCFM] XG devices losing sync to CFM frequently
  • NCCC-6697 [SCFM] Schedule backup is taken on next day in SCFM
  • NCCC-6430 [SFM] Unable to push the application based traffic shaping policy to the firewall from SFM using template
  • NCCC-6731 [SFM] Unable to modify Admin user
  • NCCC-6737 [SFM] Firewall rules showing up "0" in template when importing configuration into template in SFM
  • NCCC-6750 [SFM] Cannot delete host: Selected Entity(ies) cannot be deleted due to dependency. Check Entity Usage Reference for dependency details.
  • NCCC-6765 [SFM] Template with more than one remote networks does not work
  • NCCC-3198 [SFM-SCFM] Unbound or disabled physical port on XG firewall should not shows up as "interface status" DOWN in SFM/CFM
  • NCCC-6443 [SFM-SCFM] Unable to restore backup from SCFM
  • NCCC-6666 [SFM-SCFM] SCFM unresponsive at times. Extremely slow most of the time
  • NCCC-6667 [SFM-SCFM] Cannot add generic top-level domains to the Web's URL groups