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Trend Micro: TMRM Scheduled Maintenance on June 21,2021 for New Feature Release

The Tech Geeks |

Trend Micro Remote Manager Systems Update
June 17, 2021

Trend Micro will be performing scheduled maintenance on Trend Micro Remote Manager (TMRM) during the following time period:

Region: United States, Latin America Regions, Japan, APEC, Others
Date and Time (UTC+8) Los Angeles Berlin Tokyo 2021/06/21 19:00 Mon 04:00 Mon 13:00 Mon 20:00

Region: Europe, Middle East, Africa
Date and Time (UTC+8) Los Angeles Berlin Tokyo 2021/06/21, 10:00 Sun 19:00 Mon 04:00 Mon 11:00

Maintenance Type: Systems Update

Impact on Service:
There is no expected service downtime during the maintenance period.   

What's New:
Features Description
Policy settings include Trend Micro Web Security Approved/Blocked URL list
Partners can now configure a policy for Trend Micro Web Security approved/blocked URL list and deploy it to multiple customers in one batch deployment.

Events and notifications for Virtual Analyzer and User-Defined Suspicious Objects
For managed customers with EDR licenses, Trend Micro Remote Manager has added visibility of Virtual Analyzer and User-Defined Suspicious Object detections. Partners can configure a threshold for the number of detections within a specified time period that trigger a notification. Partners can also query Virtual Analyzer and User-Defined Suspicious Object logs.

Events for Vulnerability Protection
Trend Micro Remote Manager has added visibility of Vulnerability Protection events. Partners can query Vulnerability Protection logs.